Power Platform + Dynamics365 communities & events
Group strength
As humans we are herd creatures so many times we like to gather to exchange knowledge, support and have fun together 🤓 Including the one related to our work. Whatever our motives, it’s always good to know where you can find like-minded people in your region, country or online.
With this post, I wanted to share with you the most relevant information about Power Platform communities that are active in Poland and beyond. The article will be updated on a regular basis, as a key part of it will be information about events where you can meet members of our community.
If you have information that would be worth adding to it, feel free to contact me directly.
What kind of Power Platform communities we have in Poland
The first group I joined dealing with this technology is the group on Discord #PowerPlatformPoland , which currently has around 700 people.
This is the current name, which evolved from the earlier name of the Course by Łukasz Falaciński and Michał Guzowski, who created it to bring us students and non-courses together. For a while there was also a Facebook group, but I stopped using it after some time associated with the reduction of communicators and social media on which I am active.
As the group has grown, we have added various channels (currently 46 available), including those on specific regional communities or events. Each one dedicated to a different subject that members enjoy. I myself joined the group on 10.03.2010 and am still here, although I have been less active recently. The most active members are the founders themselves, Damian Pajor and Maciej Pokrzywiński, and many others. You have to give them credit for being unflappable at times, and I’m very grateful for that, because I’ve been going down this road with them from the beginning and learning from everyone bit by bit 😉
I leave a link to the group if you would like to join 👉 #PowerPlatformPoland
Local communities
🌊 Baltic Power Platform Community
Main location: Tricity
Community Leaders:
Dawid Ziolkowski – MVP Microsoft w dziedzinie Power Platform | Power Apps od 2020 roku | Office 365 & Power Platform Expert
Michał Ziemba – MCT Microsoft | Microsoft Cloud Solution Architect | Microsoft Global Community Initiative Regional Leader
Krzysztof Kania – Microsoft Cloud Solution Architect | Power Platform Expert
The longest running local community and a big inspiration for the other 4. Launched June 2022, so far they have organised:
- 19 x Baltic Power Platform Community Event – onsite events for Power Platform technology enthusiasts organised at various venues in the Tri-City area
- 3 x Global Power Platform Bootcamp – an online event that attracted around 150 people
Global Power Platform Bootcamp – Poland 2022 – YouTube
Global Power Platform Bootcamp – Poland 2023 – YouTube
Global Power Platform Bootcamp – Poland 2024 – YouTube
- 2 Baltic Summit – 2-day conferences for approx. 200/300 persons
You can follow all their events here 👉 Baltic Power Platform Community Events
☀️ Mazovia Power Platform Community
Main location: Warsaw
Community Leaders:
Karol Ługowski – Microsoft Solutions Architect | Power Platform Architect
Michał Guzowski – Ex MVP Microsoft | Multi entrepreneur | Digital Transformation 2.0 Partner | HyperactiveMike
The third community in terms of founding time. They had a launch in May 2023, but managed to fire up the first meetup on 14.09.2023. The achievements so far are:
- 7 x Mazovia Power Platform Community Event – including 2 onsite events in the heart of Poland and a matrix of this technology at Microsoft HQ for Power Platform technology enthusiasts and 5 online.
🦅 Power Platform West Poland
Główna lokalizacja: Poznań
Damian Pajor – Multi entrepreneur | Office 365 & Power Platform Expert
Bartosz Wawrzyniak – Senior Low Code Platform Developer | Co-Founder Power Platform West Poland Community
Second in terms of founding the community, however they had a launch in May 2023 and managed to fire the first meetup on 19.10.2023. The achievements so far are:
- 5 x Power Platform West Poland Meetup – including 4 onsite events at the premises of WSB Merito Poznań University or Sii in Poznań, for Power Platform and Data technology enthusiasts and 1 online.
You can follow all their events here👉 Power Platform West Poland | Meetup
🧨 Silesian Power Platform Community
Główna lokalizacja: Katowice
Damian Lemczak – Power Platform Developer | Co-Founder Power Platform West Poland Community
Barbara Osuchowska – Senior Project Analyst | Co-Founder Power Platform West Poland Community
The youngest community in Poland, formed 21.12.2023, but they have successfully organized 3 meetings and all of them onsite.
- 3 x Silesian Power Platform Community Meetup – successfully organised community meetups from this venerable region.
You can follow all their events here 👉 Silesian Power Platform Community | Meetup
Conferences, events, meetings ... is there anything else?
Since 2022, we have held 39 of the above + 16 organized by me (=55)
The topic is, as you can clearly see, a growing one. However in addition to community leaders on our home turf, we have valuable players whose activities would also be worth mentioning, as they share an irreplaceable dose of knowledge with the community not only in Poland, but all over the world:
These include:
Tomasz Poszytek, MVP
✍️ https://poszytek.eu/
🎦 https://youtube.com/@TomaszPoszytek
Kristine Kołodziejski, MVP
✍️ https://www.kristinekolodziejski.com/
🎦 https://youtube.com/@KristineKolodziejski
Dawid Ziółkowski, MVP
✍️ https://365corner.pl/
🎦 https://youtube.com/@365corner5
Marcin Wojciechowski, MVP
✍️ https://mgwdevcom.wordpress.com/
Adam Wójcik, MVP
✍️ https://github.com/Adam-it
Michał Kornet, MVP
✍️ https://michalkornet.com/
Michał Guzowski, exMVP
✍️ https://michalguzowski.pl/
Łukasz Falaciński
✍️ https://protipblog.pl/
Dagmara Anuszczyk
✍️ https://bideveloper.pl/
🎦 https://www.youtube.com/@bideveloperpl9307
Maciej Wachowiak
✍️ http://www.maciejwachowiak.pl/
Karol Kozłowski
✍️ https://citdev.pl/blog/
Daniel Ciećkiewicz
✍️ https://powerplatformuniverse.com/
Zbigniew Łukowski
🎦 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1Jzj0YqLPmB5O6L3OqZ75g/videos
Tomasz Pagacz
🎦 https://youtube.com/@tompagacz
How do you keep your hand in?
Above all, we are in constant contact. Everyone chooses the form of communication that suits them best. However, from the perspective of these almost three years of intensive work together, three forms have become clear: Linkedin + Discord + Blog. Therefore, for you, dear reader, I leave it mainly to these sources for your information.
However, if, like me, you sometimes no longer embrace 🤯 and need a single source of knowledge I have collected all the events for you in a shared calendar, where the events of the individual communities are entered and this is where I will update them.
If you have knowledge of other events/people worth spreading the word about let me know, we’ll add here and the calendar 🙂
Source for international events:
Link to calendar:
Why do you attend community events?
In my opinion, I couldn’t have described it to you better than Femke Cornelissen did on her blog 👉 My personal journey through Community Events. But as always, everyone may have individual needs that make them personal, business or social. All are good to join and stay with us 🙂
🔥 Connections 👉 These events introduce you to like-minded souls, foster collaborations and friendships🙏.
🔥 Knowledge 👉 I became aware of the power of shared wisdom. Visionaries from all over the world come together to share, inspire and empower.
🔥 Stepping 👉 outside your comfort zone Embracing the unknown can be challenging. Still, I forged new friendships, passionately discussed my interests, and embraced extensive learning.
🔥 Your voice matters 👉 Community events aren’t just about receiving, they’re about giving. Your insights and perspectives are needed. Participate in dialogues, share your unique points of view. Your contribution can spark discussions.
Have a great day with 🚫No/🪫Low/🦾Pro-🔐Code I wish you and see you at whichever of these events 🙂